Child Support Law
Top-Rated Child Support Attorneys
Experienced Washington, D.C. Child Support Law Attorneys
In any family law matter where children are involved, the children’s best interests are always of the highest priority. When parents of minor children get divorced (or when unmarried parents separate), an order for child support is crucial to make sure children have the financial means to succeed. For that reason, having a skilled and experienced child support law attorney is critical.
It’s not about the money. It’s about the best interest of your children.

Child Support Basics
Child support is based on the income of both parties. The basic notion is that the child should receive the same proportion of parental income he or she would have received if the parents lived together. Child support is calculated based on a published schedule or formula, which takes into account the combined income of the parties and the number of children they have.
Although the calculation of child support is often simply a mathematical determination, difficulties arise when a parent is not a straight “W-2” wage earner. Such as in the case where one parent owns a business, receives undeclared cash or financial “perks.” It is also difficult when a parent is not earning income in accordance with his or her earning abilities, or where the parties have a shared custody arrangement. In either scenario, hiring an experienced child support law attorney will be critical to the success of your case.
In cases where a determination of the statutory amount of child support is not straight forward, the parent who is to receive child support may be at a disadvantage. This could happen if they are not represented by an attorney skilled in obtaining and presenting the Court with the financial documentation necessary for the judge to make a decision based on the full facts of the case.
Antonoplos & Associates family law attorneys are zealous in seeking and obtaining the necessary financial information, either through discovery procedures, or where necessary, by means of subpoenas and expert analysis. Antonoplos & Associate’s family law lawyers are recognized with over 25 years of litigation experience and are diligent and persistent in their efforts to obtain the evidence needed to protect the rights of their clients.
Why Choose Antonoplos & Associates?
What makes Antonoplos & Associates group of Washington, D.C. child support attorneys so successful is that we expertly evaluate the merits of your dispute by listening to the specific issues you are facing, perform our own outside research on the issue, and then directly work with you to determine how to best prosecute or defend against a claim.
We encourage you to call us at 202-803-5676 or directly schedule your free, no-risk consultation with one of our skilled attorneys today.