D.C. Leasing Dispute Lawyers
Top-Rated Real Estate Litigation Attorneys
At Antonoplos & Associates, we routinely act for commercial landlords, commercial tenants, assignors, assignees, sub-lessors, sub-lessees, personal guarantors, property managers, real estate agents, creditors, and property insurers that work on or are affected by commercial leases.
While shopping malls, office buildings, and industrial buildings can provide great financial opportunities for business, it is critical that a business looking to enter into a lease in one of these commercial properties receive experienced and knowledgeable legal representation. Additionally, the leasing of commercial equipment can present further complications and disputes in commercial leasing. However, there are many cases in which a dispute involving commercial leasing of office space or equipment cannot be resolved through negotiations that lead to agreement. In these cases, individuals or businesses may need legal assistance and representation from DC leasing dispute lawyers in both traditional litigation or a form of alternative dispute resolution.
At Antonoplos & Associates Attorneys at Law, our DC leasing dispute lawyers provide knowledgeable, fast, and cost-efficient representation to clients. Furthermore, our group of leasing dispute attorneys have experience in the courts of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia with the kinds of motions and hearings regularly faced in commercial leasing litigation. These motions commonly include motions for injunctions, stay of proceedings, and proceedings for relief from forfeiture. Because our group of attorneys have experience in commercial real estate, business law, and financial litigation, our attorneys are uniquely positioned to negotiate and resolve your commercial leasing disputes without having the resort to traditional litigation. Furthermore, our DC leasing dispute lawyers have over 20 years of experience representing our clients in mediation and alternative dispute resolution. However, when an agreement cannot be reached, our attorneys are here to represent you before, during, and after your litigation relating to commercial leasing disputes.
Lease to Own Agreements and Commercial Leases
In the District of Columbia’s commercial property market, rent-to-own or option to purchase agreements are great for businesses that may eventually want to own the property that they are currently renting. The reason why these agreements are so attractive to tenants is that they allow a party to invest in the future ownership of a property by paying rent or additional payments that can be used as a down payment or as credits to the closing cost of a property. Furthermore, this agreement allows the renter and potential purchaser to agree to a set purchase price of the property. On the other side, property owners that agree to rent-to-own contracts usually receive a higher level of rent compared to traditional rental arrangements in consideration for credits on the down payments or closing costs.
Disputes relating to rent-to-own or option to purchase agreements largely occur when the tenant wants to exercise the option to purchase the property after the property value of the building has dramatically increased. Additionally, litigation can occur when the tenant wants to purchase the property yet did not follow the guidelines stated in the contract. If either of these issues occur, it is vital to receive immediate legal advice. For tenants and potential property purchasers, our group of commercial real estate attorneys offer advice and can assist in ensuring that the rent-to-own agreement is properly exercised. Furthermore, our duties also commonly constitute seeking injunctive relief for our clients to ensure that they can purchase the property. However, for property owners, we commonly work by assisting these clients with assessing whether the rent-to-own agreement was properly exercised. Additionally, we assist clients with maintaining property ownership and evicting tenants if necessary.
In Addition to Real Property, Commercial Leasing Can Include the Following Types of Personal Property:
- Heavy Machinery
- Medical Equipment
- Cranes and Heavy Lift Machinery
- Broadcast, Cell Tower, and Antenna
- Trucks, Vans, and other Commercial Vehicles
- Outdoor Adverting and Billboards
- Computers and other Electronic Equipment

Commercial Leasing Disputes Can Include Any of The Following Matters:
- Arbitration of Lease Disputes
- Cancellation of Lease
- Arbitration Clauses
- Distress and Sale of Goods
- Enforcement, Eviction, and Re-entry
- Injunctions, Stays, and Other Equitable Relief
- Lease (or license) for Use of Space for Advertising, Equipment or Machinery
- Interpretation of Commercial Leases
- Lease Renewal and Extension of Lease
- Leasehold Improvements and Fixtures
- Maintenance and Repair
- Management Disputes with Landlords
- Liability for Fire, Flood, and Other Damage to Leased Property
- Non-Rent Payment Obligations
- Option Clauses
- Permitted and Prohibited Use of Premises
- Private Use of Public Space (POPS)
- Overholding
- Property Improvements
- Property Insurance for Leased Commercial Property
- Rent Abatement Clauses
- Rent Arrears and Defaults
- Remedies for Breach of Lease
- Relief from Forfeiture
- Rights of First Refusal
- Termination and Relief from Forfeiture
- Termination of Lease
- Subleasing
- Terms and Conditions of Commercial Lease
Commercial Leasing Disputes Commonly Involve Any of the Following Kinds of Properties
- Shopping Malls, Retail Space, Sub-Leases, Fractional Leases, and Licensed Space
- Stadiums, Arenas, and Sports Grounds Concert Halls
- Warehouses and Storage Facilities
- Office Buildings and Commercial Centers
- Manufacturing Facilities
- Art Galleries
- Restaurants
- Medical and Dental Office
- Industrial Properties
- Garage and Parking Lots
What makes Antonoplos & Associates group of Washington, D.C. leasing dispute attorneys so successful is that we expertly evaluate the merits of your dispute by listening to the specific issues you are facing, perform our own outside research on the issue, and then directly work with you to determine how to best prosecute or defend against a claim.
We encourage you to call us at 202-803-5676 or directly schedule your free, no-risk consultation with one of our skilled attorneys today.