Virginia Assault Law
Virginia Assault Attorneys
Facing charges of assault or related crimes in Virginia carries significant consequences, potentially resulting in either a misdemeanor or felony conviction, depending on the nature and severity of the alleged offense. Such convictions can have far-reaching implications, impacting future employment prospects, housing opportunities, access to loans, financial aid, and other crucial aspects of life. However, seeking the guidance of an experienced Virginia assault lawyer increases the likelihood of having the charges reduced or dismissed.
Assault and similar crimes fall under Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Virginia criminal code, specifically categorized as Crimes Against the Person. These laws are intricate and often subject to interpretation by courts and juries on a case-by-case basis. Complicating matters further, assault cases may involve claims of self-defense, underscoring the importance of having an experienced criminal defense attorney at your side throughout the entire legal process.
Assault and Battery Laws
Under the criminal code § 18.2-57 in Northern Virginia (NoVa), assault and battery offenses are addressed. Simple assault and battery are classified as a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine not exceeding $2,500. However, according to part B of the code, if the assault is motivated by the victim’s race, origin, or religious conviction, the offense is elevated to a Class 6 felony, carrying a prison sentence of at least six months and a fine of up to $2,500.
The same Class 6 felony penalty is applied to assaults and batteries committed against certain individuals, including judges, law enforcement officers, correctional officers, firefighters, rescue squad members, and EMS members, with a mandatory minimum sentence of six months.
In cases of battery against teachers, guidance counselors, or principals of public or private schools, part D of the code stipulates a Class 1 misdemeanor, punishable by at least 15 days in jail. However, if the battery involves the use of a prohibited weapon on school property, the mandatory minimum sentence increases to six months.
Lastly, section E of the code specifies that individuals who commit battery against healthcare providers, such as doctors or nurses, while they are engaged in official duties, will face a Class 1 misdemeanor penalty, along with at least 15 days in jail.
Please note that this is a general overview, and specific circumstances may lead to different outcomes. It is advisable to consult with a knowledgeable attorney for personalized legal guidance.
Domestic Assault and Battery Laws
The regulations pertaining to domestic assault and battery, which refers to an assault against a household or family member, are outlined in Virginia’s criminal code § 18.2-57.2. As per this code, the standard penalty for domestic assault is a Class 1 misdemeanor, carrying a maximum sentence of 12 months in jail and a fine of $2,500.
However, individuals who commit this offense and have two prior convictions for domestic assault, malicious wounding, aggravated malicious wounding, or malicious bodily injury by means of a substance may face a Class 6 felony. This classification applies only if the two prior convictions occurred on separate dates within a 20-year period. A Class 6 felony carries a sentence of up to five years in prison and a fine not exceeding $2,500.
Furthermore, individuals aged 18 and above who are found guilty of domestic assault will have an emergency protective order issued against them by the magistrate. This protective order aims to safeguard the safety of the alleged victim.
It is important to note that these laws are subject to interpretation and may vary based on the specifics of each case. Seeking guidance from a qualified attorney is advisable for personalized legal advice.
Shooting and Stabbing Laws
Acts of assault involving severe bodily harm or the intent to cause significant bodily harm are addressed under Virginia criminal code § 18.2-51. According to this code, it is unlawful to intentionally stab, cut, wound, or shoot another person with the purpose of disabling, disfiguring, maiming, or causing death. Committing this offense is considered a Class 3 felony, carrying a prison sentence ranging from 5 to 20 years, and a fine of up to $100,000.
If the act is committed unlawfully but lacks malicious intent, the penalty is reduced to a Class 6 felony. This offense is punishable by a maximum of five years in prison and a fine not exceeding $2,500.
Malicious Bodily Injury to Specified Persons
Virginia criminal code § 18.2-51.1 addresses offenses involving malicious bodily injury inflicted upon specific individuals, such as law enforcement officers, search and rescue personnel, firefighters, and emergency medical service team members while they are performing their official duties. If someone intentionally inflicts malicious bodily injury upon these individuals with the intent to cause death, disablement, maiming, or disfigurement, the offense is considered a felony. The penalties for this felony include a prison term ranging from 5 to 30 years and a fine not exceeding $100,000. There is a mandatory minimum prison sentence of two years.
In cases where the same offense is committed unlawfully but without malicious intent, the penalty is a Class 6 felony. The convicted individual may face up to five years of imprisonment and a fine of $2,500. The mandatory minimum sentence for this offense is one year.
Aggravated Malicious Wounding Laws
As per Virginia state code § 18.2-51.2, it is unlawful to intentionally stab, cut, wound, or shoot another person with the intention of causing maiming, disabling, disfigurement, or death. If the victim sustains severe injuries resulting in significant and permanent physical impairment, the offense is considered a Class 2 felony. The penalty for this offense includes a prison term ranging from 20 years to life, in addition to a maximum fine of $100,000.
This code also applies the same penalty to individuals who commit the aforementioned crime against a pregnant woman with the intent to maim, kill, disable, disfigure, or terminate her pregnancy.
Malicious Bodily Injury with Caustic Substance
Virginia criminal code § 18.2-52 addresses offenses related to causing malicious bodily injury using caustic substances, explosives, or flammable materials. This law prohibits the intentional infliction of bodily harm on another person through the use of substances like lye or acid. If convicted of this crime, it is classified as a felony and carries a prison sentence ranging from 5 to 30 years.
Similarly, cases where the bodily injury is caused unlawfully but not with malicious intent are categorized as Class 6 felonies, resulting in a potentially lesser sentence.
Maiming of Another by DUI
Under Virginia state code § 18.2-51.4, it is prohibited to cause maiming of another person due to driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. If the defendant exhibits reckless disregard for the life and safety of others and unintentionally causes severe bodily injury resulting in significant and permanent physical impairment, it is classified as a Class 6 felony. A conviction for this offense may lead to a maximum prison term of 5 years, a fine not exceeding $2,500, and revocation of the defendant’s driver’s license.