As a parent having a comprehensive estate plan is central to providing for your family’s security. While it may seem…

What effect does the loss of members have on a tenant association that is statutorily required to represent at least…

A District of Columbia last will and testament is a testamentary document that provides a set of instructions, to both…

With a well written District of Columbia financial power of attorney, your financial agent is typically authorized to manage your…

Tragically, the Queen of soul, Aretha Franklin, passed last week without a valid last will and testament likely sowing the…

What is a living revocable trust? A living revocable trust is a trust created during the lifetime of the grantor.…

At Antonoplos & Associates, we understand the demands of having to select a good probate lawyer when a loved one…

Creating a District of Columbia last will and testament is the best way to ensure that your assets are distributed…

A District of Columbia simple last will is a testamentary document that provides a set of instructions, to both your…

Under District of Columbia law, if you are making your District of Columbia last will and testament you should decide…

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