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Inheriting Real Estate: Handling Disputes and Title Issues



Inheriting real estate can be both a blessing and a challenge. While it presents opportunities for financial gain and property ownership, it can also come with disputes and title issues that need to be addressed. In this blog post, we will explore common disputes and title issues that arise when inheriting real estate and discuss how to handle them effectively.

1. Boundary and Encroachment Disputes

Boundary disputes can arise when the inherited property’s boundaries are unclear or disputed by neighboring property owners. Encroachments, where structures or improvements extend beyond the property lines, can further complicate matters. To handle these disputes:

2. Title Issues and Defects

Inheriting real estate may uncover title issues or defects that could cloud ownership and hinder the property’s marketability. Common title issues include:

To handle title issues:

3. Co-ownership and Partition Disputes

Inherited real estate may be co-owned by multiple individuals, such as siblings or other family members, leading to potential disputes over ownership, management, or sale of the property. To handle co-ownership and partition disputes:


Inheriting real estate can be accompanied by disputes and title issues that require careful handling. It is important to address boundary disputes, title issues, and co-ownership conflicts promptly and effectively. By conducting surveys, seeking mediation, consulting legal counsel, conducting title searches, obtaining title insurance, and exploring legal remedies such as quiet title actions or partition actions, you can resolve disputes and address title issues in a manner that protects your ownership rights and ensures a smooth transfer or management of the inherited property. If you encounter disputes or title issues when inheriting real estate, consult with an experienced real estate attorney who can provide guidance and advocate for your rights throughout the process.

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